In the stillness of the morning, as the first rays of light break through the dawn...
"Grounded" starts your day with the rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee infused with a hint of creamy vanilla. Whether it's your morning ritual or a midday pick-me-up, Grounded fuels your focus and keeps you centered ensuring you're ready to take on whatever the day brings.
Soy wax based candle with two lead free cotton wicks.
Grounded is also available as a wax melt and in our Fall Gift Set.
Regular price
$15.00 USD
Regular price
$30.00 USD
Sale price
$15.00 USD
Unit price
1 review
Lyyn Bowers I may be mistaken, but I think that our purchase 14 days ago was the Venti Spice. It's fantastic and plan to purchase it again. So many scents to choose from, and love each one that we've purchased.